June 07, 2010


An update - as promised! I've been doing life drawing at Sheridan over the summer and these are some of my drawings. I can never finish a complete pose in 30 seconds which is something im working towards being able to do. You can probably tell by disembodied torsos or headless figures, etc. in the first page of poses. :( Some of these are done in ink, some in graphite, and others in colored pencil. Most poses are 30 sec - 3 min. The drawings with ink + marker are 5 minute poses. Enjoy the weird green girls, too!

I still have a lot to improve on but I hope you like!


Justin Hartley said...

These are awesomeee! I really like the first and third page (especially the two poses on the bottom left of the third page), as well as the bug-eyed lady on the final page :P. You've got a bunch of nice straights/curves goin' on too! Great stuff Kozak! :D

Stephen Good said...

Yes lol at Ms Bug Eyes, I also like the last 2 on the 1st page, and the first one on the 4rth page. I should probably try out different mediums sometime too, keep on truckin!

kathryn durst said...

these are looking really nice nicole! :) lots of volume and squishy-ness! i like them! haha

keep it up pudding cup

Haiwei Hou said...

Great!Keep it up!! Are you drawing with Robin?