August 04, 2012

Batman Comics

Here are a couple of comics / sketches related to Batman that I've done recently:

Oh wow. How silly.

This one came from a misunderstanding of the words:  "Canadian Women's Soccer" which became "Catwoman's Soccer" and led to a discussion with Matt about how 'hot' that might be . . . 

So . . there's that.


Matt said...

how silly. . .
ahahaha these are great!

Laurel Dalgleish said...


I call foul on the two girls in the box trying to score ;) misconduct. right there. just sayin'

... wsprnt!

Victor Preto said...

Hahaha awesome stuff! I just picture Bane in an apron waiting for the soufle to finish.

Kirsten Whiteley said...

holy self-rising flour batman! That made me chuckle nicole :)

Shen Ramu said...

that cake one is AHHH-MAZING!!

Spencer Duffy said...

bahaha so good!

bat-nana bread?

Batman Costume said...

that was so funny! Batman bread? or cake? =))