June 30, 2011

Sketchies !

In Halifax, I have to bother Kyle to use his scanner  . . .so I don't post sketches as often. So here is a heaping pile of them! 

the one with the hat and the hoodie was the creepiest preteen boy i've ever seen. Complete with rat 'stache.

 I didn't actually see Joan Rivers. Just a woman who looked kind of like her . . .

some really quick, ridiculous glee sketches. 

somehow babies frequently come up in conversation, here. 

Noam and I each did a sketch. The topic was Father Pussycat. His is much cooler and in TECHNICOLOR! so hopefully he'll post his.


Nooree K said...


Matt said...

HAHAHAAA! poor pineapples.

Unknown said...

no, nooree! artie can date someone else, okay?! >:(

Noam Sussman said...

awesome, really funny shit
moremore!! wooo fatherpussycat!!!

Ben Z Cooper said...

haha, shweeet.