May 23, 2012

Some Sketches

Some sketches from a couple of weeks ago. 

A family at Swiss Chalet on mother's day. 
(Funny Story: A boy was giving out free roses to each woman who came in on mother's day. The little old woman at the back - glasses, green shirt - kept getting up from her table throughout dinner, hobbling away, and would return with a new rose each time. She must have had over a dozen roses by the time they left. I was impressed). 

Some cafe people and an amputee-single-tear Laurel. 

Some of these were drawn while cafe sketching, a couple were drawn in my women's litt. class. 


Matt said...

I really hope you saw a ball of heads rolling down your street. coooooool stuff!

Noam Sussman said...

hahaha love the last page, the dude in the right bottom corner, colour that!!! and that ball of faces. and that fatter version of me.

Kirsten Whiteley said...

I like how you had to make a note that said "not Noam." These are fantasic :)